American Flag A Veteran Owned Business

How To Make a Perfect Bound Book

In this video, Trevor Gibson shows how we take the printed pages and cover of a self published book, perfect bind it and trim to size.

  1. Place the printed pages into the binder.
  2. Pages are held and moved over a rotating blade that "scuffs" the spine in preparation for the glue.
  3. Trevor places the book cover into position.
  4. The pages are moved over a hot glue pot, placing the appropriate amount of adherent to the spine.
  5. Pages are aligned and pressed into the center of the cover.
  6. The hot glue sets quickly and the book is ready to be trimmed.
  7. Trevor uses the printed "cut lines" to align the book for trimming.
  8. Three sides are trimmed to size.

Self published books are often perfect bound, it creates a polished, professional book that many authors appreciate.

We offer numerous processes to bind publications:

  • Perfect-Bound – squared spine, found in books
  • Saddle-Stitch – metal staple in the spine, found in magazines
  • Spiral-Bound – coils or combs woven thru pre-punched holes, found in manuals
  • Plockmatic – a unique binding incorporating saddle-stitch and square spine technology, found in some newsletters
  • Paste-Bound – gluing two sheets (printed on both sides & folded to make 8 pages) at page two and three, found in some brochures
  • Tape-Bound – squared spine with tape securing the pages and cover together, found in some books

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